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Address and Security Code Verification Result Formats

Results from address and security code verification are provided either in a numeric field referred to as the result field or in a textual form referred to as result description depending on the context in which the result is being presented.

An example of a result description is 'Not Matched'. An email message about a transaction might contain the line 'Address: Matched' which indicates that the shopper's address, as entered on the Payment Page and as held by the card-issuer, are the same. A complete list of result descriptions is provided below.

Interpretation of the result field is more complicated but it provides a useful format for conveying a lot of information in the context of transaction statements.

Result Field

The format of the result field is 4 digit numeric:

Each position in the field is used to report the result of a particular verification / check as follows:



Reports the result of ...


card security code verification


Postcode verification


Address verification


cardholder country verification


Each position is occupied with a result code that describes the result of particular verification. For example, the following result field:


reports that only the cardholder's country address did not match the card issuers records because the 4th digit is used to report the result of that particular check and '4' is the result code meaning 'Not Matched'.   

For details about security code and address verification, see Fraud Prevention.   

Result Codes and Result Descriptions


Result Code

Result Description



Not Supported

It is not possible to verify the details with the card issuer for the following reasons:

  • The Card issuer does not currently support security code or address verification.


Not Checked

It is not possible to check the details with the card issuer for the following reasons:

  • The service may be temporarily unavailable.

  • The transaction has been declined.

  • The details were not provided by the shopper



The details provided by the shopper match with the Card Issuer’s  records.


Not Matched

The details provided by the shopper did NOT match when compared with the Card Issuer’s records. (This response does not necessarily mean the transaction is fraudulent but it is recommended that further enquiries are made with the shopper before shipping any goods.)


Partially Matched

The details provided by the shopper partially matched the Card Issuer’s records. - This response does not necessarily mean the transaction is fraudulent but it is recommended that further enquiries are made with the shopper before shipping any goods.


Configuring Transaction Statement Display

The AVS Results can be included in your Full Transaction Statement display, if you use the Column Configuration page to turn it on.

The Full Account Statement page is provided on the Administration server. To access the page, logon to the Administration server, select Get Statement and then View Statement.

You can configure the fields displayed on the Full Account Statement page, using the Column Configuration page.

To open the Column Configuration page logon to the Administration server, select Get Statement and then Edit Configuration. Scroll to AVS Results and specify the column of the Transaction Statement in which you want it to appear.